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Hello everyone! Here's the SFW version of Rosalina! (The alt version will be posted in a few for those in Elite Spice) 

Changes to folder links:

    I would also like to talk about some changes I plan to make with the folder links going forward. It seems like people have had difficulty finding the folder links in the past so I will now be sending the links through DM's. This way it is much easier for you guys to find the links and so they also don't get lost on your Patreon feed.

    I also want to try a better way to distribute the Patreon Rewards so everyone is able to have access to them forever as long as you were a member during that specific month. One of the methods I had in mind was through Gumroad. With this method, I can send everyone a link with the goodies with a 100% discount (free) through DM's. This will also allow you to access the rewards and re-download them at any time you need to. I will try to have the Gumroad method for this month but I still need to see how it fully works, so if is not this month it will definitely be the next one!

So, what do you think? If you have any questions regarding the new changes feel free to comment or DM me!

If you made it all the way here thank you for reading all this (I know it was a lot of text 😆)



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