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She's almost done (just some tweaks left). However, I also want to work on an alt for more booty action. Would you guys want to see the artwork posted as soon as this main version is done or when I finish the alt and I post it all together?

If I send it as soon as possible I'll send everything that is currently finished which includes:

  • Dress Illustration (both black and red. Also includes versions without the crown)

  • NSFW Illustration (nude version of this artwork with crown and no crown versions)

The alt would then be posted later on along with the CLIP file and timelapse.

Update Regarding Frieren Artwork:

I will be pushing the Frieren Art for next month, this is so I can focus on these 2 Nia Artworks (And also need to start working on my Artwork for Gigi's Project). This won't affect the next month's character it just means I will be making Frieren and whoever wins the next poll next month and Nia will basically replace Frieren this month (hope everyone is okay with this change)



Alex Kuras

I can be patient, no pressure


It looks SO good. 😭