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We join Raven deep in an alchemical laboratory, where she comes face to face, or rather, rump to face, with a mysterious color born of unknown means. Where did this prismatic entity, similar to a disco ball yet nothing like that, come from? From what space did this hip-hop color emanate from? Raven barely has time to dwell on these questions, as suddenly she feels her backside grow to healthy proportions, and her cheeks suddenly gain a sentience of their own. She cannot control it, only relate it briefly to the Dancing Dimension, as her ass overpowers her own body, twerking with unexpected vigor. Behind the light of the prismatic entity, and the subsonic music it releases, her ass grows in size and in power. She tries to mumble a spell to regain control of her badonkadonk, but each up and down motion resets the phrasing.

Raven's eyes further bulge in confusion as her ass, clapping with gusto, creates shining stars. Another effect of her own ass out of control, besieged by the dimensional energies humming from this thing?

The Prismatic Entity hums to the beat, its existence only hinted to as Raven ignores the alchemical, blasphemous formula that brought it into this dimension, and instead on her huge ass. After all, why would she think of what it was, where it came from, or what wizardry or diseased science would've birthed it, when it blessed her with an out-of-control superpowered donk that created stars?

Were there others encumbered by bonds or by ass down here? Raven could only struggle as she tried to regain control of her new rump, glittering stars flashing at each clap of her backside.

Commission for DoubleBrain22

I don't post commission often, but I think that this one is really nice :)
