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The night was thick with an upsetting tension that hung in the air like a shroud. On an island, a ninja clan named Sakai lived. An eerie feeling that crept under the skin of the people living in this clan. The sky was shrouded in darkness, with no moon or stars to illuminate the grounds. The only light came from the flickering torches scattered throughout the compound, casting long shadows that danced eerily on the walls.

As the night wore on, the sounds of weapons clashing and screams echoed through the air, a gruesome symphony of death and destruction. Blood flowed like a river, staining the once-pristine grounds of the Sakai clan. Every passing second seemed to bring more death, more terror, more pain.

Outside one of the houses, the clan leader stood in confusion. Fear could be seen in his eyes. One ninja appeared next to him and kneeled, "Genki-sama. We are under attack. Someone is killing everyone in our clan! Even the people who try escaping end up dead!" 

Genki nodded. He thought, 'I have sent multiple water clones. But all of them died without sending a message.' 

The ninja said, "Please kill them Genki-sama!" 

Sakai Genki instructed, "Gather all capable ninjas in the clan and pin the intruders down. I haven't been able to track them down. I'll send my clones to assist you." 

He created Water clones and sent them with the ninja. He wanted to go himself. However, he couldn't help but worry about his granddaughter, who was in the house behind him. She was the only family he had left, and he would do anything to keep her safe.

He returned to his house. There were 5 people in there. He looked at his granddaughter. She was thin and had green eyes and fair skin. However, the most noticeable aspect of her was the auburn hair that went down to her waist. Sakai Genki sighed, 'She isn't even ten years old and has to experience this!'

She was very scared and was shivering due to the screams outside. He went forward and caressed her. He instructed, "Chou, take Mei away from the clan. I'll stop the intruders."

He looked at all the four adults in the room and said in a deep voice, "No matter what, no harm must come to Mei. Keep her safe!" 

All four immediately said, "Yes Genki-sama! Nothing will happen to Lady Mei until we are alive." 

Mei said in a tearful voice, "Grandpa, I am a ninja too. I will fight with you." 

Genki caressed her head and said with a sad smile on his face, "You are too young Mei. Live your life more. Leave the clan to me. After all, I am the clan leader. I wi…" 

Suddenly, a loud crash shook the room, and the sound of splintering wood filled the air. Sakai Genki's heart leapt into his throat as he spun around, ready to defend his granddaughter at all costs. 

The door burst open, revealing a boy in his late teens. He wore loose-fitting black pants and a sleeveless shirt which showed his muscular arms and a body honed from years of rigorous training. His hair was black and spiky. However, there were two distinct features that attracted all attention. 

His eyes were as dark as the ninth layer of the Abyss! And in his right hand was a sword that was completely dyed red in blood! 

Sakai Genki ordered, "Leave now!" 

Sakai Chou picked up Mei and began running towards the other exit of the house. The other 3 ninjas followed her.

Sakai Genki's face became grim as he noticed the intense chakra emanating from the ninja in front of him. 

He made a hand sign. The tiles on the floor suddenly transformed into explosive tags and rushed towards the intruder as he walked nonchalantly into the house.

However, the intruder took a step forward and water appeared on every paper tag and defused all the tags before they could explode. At the same time, water walls rose from the ground. They formed a prison around Chou and the rest, trapping them in it.

Sakai Genki opened his mouth and exhaled hot steam at the intruder. However, the intruder expected it. Wind suddenly began flowing around the intruder. All the steam blew away from him. At the same time, he fired Air Bullets at the old clan leader. 

Sakai Genki dodged them quickly, however, the attacker took the opportunity to close the distance. He appeared in front of Genki and attacked his neck with his sword. Chakra could be seen flowing along his sword. 

Genki grabbed his own sword and blocked the attack. Chakra flew along his sword as well. He began building up chakra to attack once again, however, his body suddenly became sluggish. He stopped struggling. At that very moment, his head was cut off by his opponent. 

A spear appeared in the teenager's left hand. He pierced it through Sakai Genki's detached head and threw it through the roof. 

He looked ahead to see the remaining 5 people still trapped in the water prison he created. The ninjas inside the prison used explosive tags to destroy the prison. 

However, instead of freedom, they saw a sword sending Sakai Chou's head flying in the air while her body collapsed to the ground. 

They were shocked and began shivering in fear. One of them muttered softly, "Where is the clan leader?" 

However, he received no answer. The teenager attacked them. They tried resisting. Unfortunately, the difference in their power was too high. They didn't last even a few seconds. 

Mei was terrified. She hadn't ever seen a war. However, despite the terror, she grabbed her kunai and attacked the enemy. 

The teenager attacked her kunai with his sword. His sword sliced through her kunai with ease and continued towards her neck. However, at the last moment, he stopped as he noticed, 'She looks familiar…' 

Mei stood still as she felt the blade a few millimeters from her neck. Her eyes were closed. Tears rolled down her cheeks. However, the pain never came. She opened her eyes. 

For the first time since he stepped into the village, the teenager spoke, "You aren't from the Sakai clan, are you? Tell your name." 

Mei didn't want to talk to the killer of her family. However, fear overwhelmed all her emotions as she felt his killing intent focusing on her. She said, "I am Terumi Mei." 

The teenager's eyes widened momentarily before going back to their usual uncaring gaze. He withdrew his sword back and said, "That's enough killing for today." 

Mei was surprised and shocked. She collapsed to her knees in relief, sorrow and shame. The teenager began walking away from her with his back towards her. However, he suddenly stopped and looked at Mei. 

Mei noticed his gaze and became alert. However, he didn't attack and instead said, "Pass a message to your Mizukage. The next time ……….. I will show up in the capital and go after his head." 

Mei heard his message and her eyes widened as she realized why the Sakai clan had been massacred. However, despite having witnessed all she did, she was horrified to hear that the enemy in front of her threatened the leader of her village without any fear in his eyes. 

After instructing her, he left. He arrived on the edge of the island and looked at the Sakai clan grounds behind him. Except for Mei, not a single person in the clan was alive. Even the ninjas who lived away from the clan grounds but were from the Sakai clan were killed. 

However, the most gruesome part was that when he turned around, he could see a spear on the roof of every house. And on each of these spears was a head! Every single one of these heads was of the strongest person in each house.

He sighed as he thought, 'I was terrified when I arrived in this crazy world full of bloody killers and schemers. Though I did kill a few people over the years, to think that I could do something so horrifying. I guess that staying in a world full of killers will inevitably make me one as well. Or could it be that this is who I always was?'

Sixteen Years Ago -  

Heavy rains were falling in Konoha. The entire sky was covered by dark clouds. Thunder could be heard every other minute throughout the village. 

In the Senju clan compound, a man in his fifties was looking after a 3-year-old boy. He was very sick. His body was burning with a very high fever as he slept. Many doctors had already taken a look at him, however, his condition never improved. 

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The old man left the boy in the bed and went to see who it was. As he left, the boy's breathing slowed down until it came to a complete stop! 

However, in half a minute, the boy began breathing again and took a deep breath. His condition miraculously began improving. He tried opening his eyes and moving his limbs but was having difficulty in doing so. 

At the door, the old man said angrily, "Stop beating around the bush Daiki and tell me what happened exactly!" 

The youngster nervously said, "I am afraid that Lord Toshiro and Lady Emiko are no more. We discovered the dead body of their teammate. And in his memories, they died before he did." 

He looked towards the 3-year-old boy and said, "His father and mother are dead. He will be an orphan." 

The old man was shocked. He muttered, "Lord Second… I have failed you." 

However, unknown to both of them, the words, 'father and mother are dead' fell clearly on the boy's ears. 

Somehow, the boy knew that they were talking about him. His eyes opened suddenly. His pupils which were black in color began transforming. A reddish hue appeared in his black pupils. Soon, a black spiral pattern appeared in his eyes. A tomoe appeared on this black spiral and began rotating in his eye. 

However, after completing one rotation, his eyes returned back to normal and he fell unconscious. Neither of the two men who were talking noticed this change. 

The old man sent the messenger away and turned back to the boy. He noticed that he was still asleep. He sat beside him and muttered, "Mugen… You are the last remaining descendant of Lord Second." 

He caressed the head of the boy and said firmly, "I won't let any harm come to you or your cousins!" 

[A/N: Well, this might be my next book. I'm working on a few others as well, I'll have a poll and let you guys decide which one I write next once The Wind Calamity is close to being completed. Anyway, this is the one on whose plot I have worked the most on. I used to spend quite some time on it earlier, though I haven't been able to do so in the last 3 months. Hopefully, I'll be able to continue to do so this year. By the way, the random poll #1 was related to this story. 

The story will focus more on the Second and Third Great Ninja Wars. Especially the Third Great Ninja War, which might be the best part of this book. Following the war, the future will change entirely for better or worse. 

I do have the general story progression already decided, however, there is still a lot of work left for me to do. Unlike Fujin, the MC in this story will be very talented and have a lot going for him (Senju with Sharingan should say everything, lol). That kinda creates the issue of MC not getting challenged much which could reduce the thrill. Working towards a solution for this.

Another issue is that MC will take complete advantage of his situation and stay in the background for a long time while hiding his strength. While that sounds great and completely sensible, making the story interesting without involving the MC a lot is a freaking challenge, lol. I don't want this story to be boring, so figuring out ways around it so that you guys can have fun while reading :)

Anyway, these are issues for later. I'll keep you guys updated in case there are new developments. Happy New Year once again. I hope you guys enjoyed the gift.]



I really loved this first chapter and am looking forward to reading more. One possible drawback you could add is the constant threat to his life and lack of adequate growth and preparation time. While being a Senju with Sharingan does mean that he will eventually become overpowered, this will also paint a huge target on his back in the early stages. This is especially true given your chosen timeline and the wars as the Senju were targeted extensively after the death of the first two hokages (not really sure if this is accurate but their numbers did reduce a lot). So unlike Fujin who used the advantage of anonymity and relative unimportance in a time of relative peace to train himself and increase his power in secret till he reached an adequate level, logically speaking this should not be possible for this new MC. Just the fact that he has the blood of those two clans will incentivise every potential enemy to exterminate him as a potential threat early on. Thus, while he may want to take complete advantage of his situation and stay in the background, this will simply not be possible for him. The constant threat may result in him using the trump cards he wished to have kept secret like his Sharingan. Personally, I kind of dislike it when any MC hides his strength or pretends to be weaker just to go under the radar but that is just me. At the end of the day, it is your story but I hope you consider my suggestion.


Sounds like a great story to read! I trust it'll be good just based on your previous writings.