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Hey guys. Another random poll based on some troupes/ideas.

[Note - This Poll is not related to The Wind Calamity.]

What are your views on some actions that some characters do that make them look very cool or epic but don't make much sense if you think about it?

I don't have much of an opinion about the above, so I won't be saying much. I'll just give an example to make clear what I mean.

Eg 1: Minato saved Kushina from Obito and brought her back to Naruto. However, instead of just teleporting and joining the battle, he first puts on his cloak and only then leaves for battle. While it definitely looks cool, it doesn't make any sense for him to waste time putting on a cloak when Kurama is rampaging in his village.

I can't recall much at this moment, but I am sure that there are numerous such moments in every anime. What are your thoughts on such moments?



So moments like that I think need to be judged on a somewhat individual basis. In your example there is actually a whole bunch of story reasons why Minato may be putting on the coat. For example it could be so that when he arrives the people of the leaf village can instantly tell that their leader has arrived since the coat is a symbol of him being Hokage. That said the scene of him putting on the coat in one of the movies becomes an excellent parallel for when Naruto goes off to face Tobi and Menma, he also puts on the same jacket in the same way. Which could add the implications that the jacket is a symbol of absolute loyalty to the point of willing to die for the village. Then you have other moments like Byakuya Kuchiki from bleach taking off his scarf and throwing it over Renjis (mostly) dead body after he defeats him. That scene is utterly baffling as yes it could be something that demonstrates respect but we never see Byakuya due this ever again, also we later learn the scarf is worth a minor fortune. Each scene should be based on not just how cool it is but does it add something to the story either when it happens or in retrospect.


I think intent is important in moments like these. As Dranzer stated. The cloak symbolizes Minatos position in the village and his responsibility to protecting it even to his detriment. Cool/Epic moments are great. But they are even better when you make them more than just that. This isn't reality, it's a story so use it as a tool to tell something. Be it further enforcing the theme of the story or an idea you want expressed or even to illuminate the depths of characters. It's a tool waiting for you to use, don't let it just sit there and look good if you can help it.