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I streamed while editing these and I think in the future I'll start recording streams where I edit these so you can all just kinda skim through and see how I go about it. Everyone seemed to love it. I lost my Bowser right before this shoot so he's not in it, but my home made bomb-omb is! I'll be doing a stream where I make a Piranha plant in a pot to carry around for future shoots, as well. SO MANY IDEAS, SO LITTLE TIME.

I'm still working on the Zero cosplays with Jasper, and he's still doing the swords and he finished the helmets but I've been taking work in progress photos of the painting that I've been doing to the helmets. On top of that, I bought a Lightning cosplay and I'll try to take plenty of WIP for that. I'm also working on a new Harley concept and a Bulma cosplay, which is a super easy one to slap together. <3 Love you guys.


Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.


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