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Well , it seems not many people liked this category .....;;;-;;;

May be the votes had problem ? .....

Or maybe i must to remove this topics on list votes and open another one ???? Pls let me know your thing guy T____T .....




i am not fan of bsdm/bondage or rape type stuff... would gladly support another vote.


I really like the topic and would love to keep this one up :) I mean People voted for the topic and that's what the majority wants to see. I would be very disappointed to see this topic being removed because its my favotite one


opp, so sorry about that , don't worrry :'D i still way more comment of everyone for this topics X'3


Just in case there was something weird with the votes, maybe we can have a revote tomorrow? Or just go with a drawing or two in the bondage style and go with whatever is in second place for the other drawings


Hm... if that topics don't changes , i think i must to do this but with some thing simple and lightly (!) :'d


Well, if the vote got on the last day a significant jump, there is a high chance that some people boosted it (changing IP-adress and deleting cookies) to vote 10 times in the row! Well I hope that it was only a random thing. It's your decision. I have not a problem if you change it.

Frank Leo

I like to see BDSM.


I would say go for bdsm/bondage. From what i have seen you haven't done one for that category before. It would be a nice change.


Can't remember what I voted (if i voted) But i'm fine with BDSM. I'd say stick with it for this month, but perhaps find a different voting site to stop boosting votes?


I dont mind the topic. It is a culture thing after all. I am just here for the fantastic art =) doesnt matter topic haha.


Go for bdsm my dude, just use light stuff tho e.g cuffs/gags/clamps. Not too hardcore.


You right , maybe some thing not hardcore , but im still make it look sexy ~

寄鈞 廖

Although BDSM is a pretty cool topic, but I really don't like to see Kyo's skill in this topic. XD"