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Doneeeee X'D~ 

Oh , just one more :'D , what is Topics for the next month you like :'3 

And here are some topics I've listed for next month , hope you guy like it  X3

Topics for August  Let's go voteeeeee !!!!!!! 




Omg kyo your art just blows me away. She's so cute and I can't wait for all of them! Why does this month have to be so long?!?! And we get to vote on topic too? I don't know what to do! I love the topics but I think bride is just my personal favorite, I don't wanna wear it out though. Ugh I have one character that I really want to be a bride but 'I'd be cool with everyone else being on a different topic.


Like I really want a character I want to be bride, then I know of some others that would be great for other topics. Like I've seen Akali was voted for a lot and I think nurse would be the best for her. But then you have that high school topic and that one is really interesting to me


Thank you~ >w