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It's time to do some recap of the first few weeks of work for the next update.

Future acting characters:
Maiko, Lilith, Kate-Rey, the Librarian.
Somebody's gonna have a sexy new costume.

We wanted to add some more Rachel, but there was enough of her in the last version, and if we did, we would have overly extended the release of fresh content.

I want to focus on the content for Maiko and further warm up future expectations. All the events with the Manager will take place after her punishment in the princess' palace, which means that she will be bloody angry with the whole camp and Roxy in particular.

More good news.
The work on animation was put the very first and we have already managed to finish it, which is always the hardest part of every new update.

The results of the last voting.
Many people liked the new girl Mei and most of you would like to make her more than just a minor character. We are very pleased that you appreciated her so much, and we will try to continue adding her to the game in a harmonious way, so that she does not overshadow the main girls.




looking forward to more Maiko ;)


yay ! glad to see that hardest part is over. hope rest will go smoothly