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Right now it's just a lot of work before the release of 1.75, and it's hard to find the time even to share a little news to say that everything is fine and we're still alive.  

After Rachel set Roxy up she decided to cozy up and continue walking around without a push up bra. I wonder if that will be enough for her to be forgiven?  

For the new character picture we add more emotions than were present in the game before. In time we plan to diversify the emotions of all of them, so that everyone has at least 16 for each costume.  

Also, to illustrate the size of the 1.75 update, I'll say that the text in it will be a little over 42,000 words.
It's hard to say whether that's a lot or not because we've never measured the update by that parameter, but it seems pretty big by how much time the coder has to add it all.

That's the way it is.
See you very soon.



outstanding. I appreciate your hard work