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It's nice to once again present you with a new version!


The old saves work, but if for any reason you don't have them saved or anything else, you can use my made saves in the end of version 0.85

(be careful there are saves with futa-futa content)

What's new:

  • It seems to me that the content and quality of the text have improved.
  • It is up to you, our dear players, to judge and make the final verdict.
  • As planned, since the beginning of the development of version 0.95, it focuses more on futa content than all previous parts.
  • Significant progression of Kate's story.
  • A new futa character.
  • So far, the most complicated futa animation we've ever done (it's really quite an experience for us).
  • New nights with Maiko and her assistant, but now Roxy leads.
  • A second new character who was previously in the shadows, but now decides to meet Roxy in person.

And as usual a bunch of other small details that I don't remember or didn't write on purpose.

Remember, you need to go through the fireplace in Roxy's room to get to the memory room.

Fix: Fixed some stylistic mistakes in the text.

New information about version 0.95 has been added to the walkthrough file.





Dahlia Rose Israel

I'm confused. This download link is exactly the same as the download link for the test version. So no changes were made?


As soon as we do a public release, we update the link to the test version, too, so that the player gets a version with all the fixes in case he mixes up the posts.


I wanna know the difference between the test version and this.


Everything that was changed: Fixed some stylistic mistakes in the text. New information about version 0.95 has been added to the walkthrough file.


I'm glad you bring a lot of new things to the game and improve your experience. I love all the changes in this version.


Can we expect more Princess content soon?