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It is good that at least in patrons-only posts I am allowed to show something like that.

Additional material:

Because of the toilet and quests with it, I had to give up personal quests with one of the remaining main girls.

Since the girl scientist Connie usually always gets the least number of votes, it was decided to move quests with her to version 0.95 and to do it in favor of girl streamer Rachel.

This doesn't mean that Connie won't appear in version 0.85. On the contrary,  she will be there and her actions will greatly advance the story of the game.

As always, super intrigue and all that mysterious stuff. Believe me, everything is going to be cool.




Can’t wait


Any help to have with this let me know


No I was saying if I can help you in anyway I’m here


The only help I sometimes ask is to post our game on thematic sites and forums that you know and where the game is not yet.