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Here I start with a picture of the redrawn maid and I'd like to tell a bit about her story.

At first, we didn't plan to give the Princess's maid even the smallest role.
She should be just a side character and appear maximum in a couple of scenes, and her role should be over, but then we came to an important question!

How to get an opportunity to corrupt the Princess in a pretty short time and do it as believable as possible in the game's world?

That's right, interact through the closest person to her.
You know that there's only one character in this camp - her loyal maid!
Thus, the maid crept into the game and got her right to show her story.
We can congratulate her.

I wish I could tell you some other secrets about Roxy's future adventures in Princess's palace, but I can't!
That would be a giant spoiler.

P.S.: Well, you know, okay, maybe later I'll give you an exciting picture...



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