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I'm having a really tough time mentally trying to get work done. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was in middle school and took medication for it briefly. I felt it stunted my creativity at the time so I stopped taking it. I ended up dropping out of high-school and getting my GED because I couldn't focus on homework or the class. 

At this point in my life my executive function is verging on a crisis. It's always been a struggle but this month has been the worst. I'll have good months and then a bad month where I just can't do anything for patreon. It's weird to describe but I feel like I'm screaming in my head to make my body do things and it won't. I'll get everything loaded up to work and grab my stylus, look at the half finished page and then put it down. I don't understand it. I'm tired of it and I'm certain you are too. I am going to seek professional help and try to find a medication that will help me get things done. No amount of anxiety or stress is pushing me to act like it has in the past. I just want to be able to sit down and finish things. It shouldn't be this difficult. I'm exhausted from it.

There's more I could get into but I'll leave it at that for now. I'm not lazy. I just have an issue with my stupid brain that's hindering me from following through with certain tasks. It's incredibly frustrating and depressing. 

Obviously there will be no charged posts this month. I will make it up to those that were charged for the two pages and animation from the end of last month. I'm sorry I disappointed you. I'll find a professional tomorrow and make an appointment. With the right medication and better habits I think I can get back to a regular upload schedule. 

I hope everyone is well and I'll have good news soon.



Take care and do what you need to do to feel better. We will all still be here once you are ready. Good luck!

blucherri 369

That's OK man take your time I'll still be subscribed


Just take care of yourself bro ✌️ It's a frustrating thing to experience, just hoping you feel some peace.


I'll keep suporting you. This things happen and modern life doesnt help at all. I hope you feel better soon. Best wishes!

Gary A. Guffaw

It's ok, man. We're all used to your workflow by now. You do what you need to do and try not to stress about it too much. Thanks for keeping us updated.


Take care of yourself first. We can wait. 😇


Take as much time as you need. Sometimes a break is the only way to rediscover inspiration. I think motivation is good, but inspiration is even better. Maybe because even if one has motivation, it can still be a struggle to focus. But if one is inspired, it's like being captivated by a passion project, and it doesn't take any fight to focus. But all that matters is if you're happy with it. To echo everyone else here, your well-being must take priority. Be well!


its all good take all the time you need


Take your time! This is a battle against the self, the hardest of all opponents! You are right to seek support! Be kind to you, heal, and we'll be here when you get back!

Elijah Wimsatt

Take your time bro you’re the master, please make a big booty nami mini comic PLEASE ill maybe commission when you’re feelin it

J dog

Have you tried lions mane mushrooms? They aren't psychedelic. It's just a supplement that really helps boost my cognitive functioning after several life changing head injuries. Nfl players who are somehow depressed with millions after a decade of concussions swear lions mane helped them be happy and think more clear and concise. I've watched my brain go from foggy to functional over the last few months. It's worth a try. I struggle too. I hope you get better or find happiness.


I’ve got a similar situation of dealing with ADD, it makes the simplest things frustrating at times. But through counseling and medication I’ve managed to live with the unique nature of my mind scape. Still can be frustrating as hell at times, but nevertheless I’ve learned to carry on. Love your content by the way.👍🏾


Courage et bon rétablissement !


So much talent 😞


any news


I hope things get better for you and everything is okay