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Ready set go! We've got a lot to talk about, so let's get right into it.


Like last month, we have had another poll in February. This time asking the important question... "Are you into feet stuff?". This is a very popular kink and the results legit surprised me. Turns... only a very small amount of you is really interested in it. Most of you don't mind, followed closely by people who believe feet are for walkin', not for fuckin'.

So what have I gleamed from this? Well I believe that there still should be some feet stuff in the game, but we'll probably limit it to 1 or 2 CGs. With the large number of girls in this game, it would be fun to explore all kinds of different fetishes, so I'm sure there will be one into foot stuff. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Personal stories

I'm planning to have the start of 4 different characters' personal stories ready for the first release of the game. These will all include both graphic and written sexual scenes. Currently I have adult 1 CG ready and the next CG currently in the works.

I have already written 3/4 of the characters and am hoping to finish the 4th before the end of the weekend. With those out of the way, I can focus on continuing the main story quest. Each character will have 8 fully written personal story events for now. This will be expanded upon in future updates.


Let's talk about the art next. I currently have probably the biggest team of artists working on the game that I've ever had. I've got:

  • Jodsy working on CGs
  • Potchi working on CGs & models
  • Octomush working on some high detail CGs for the intro
  • Coldslums working on backgrounds
  • Poison Snacks working on background characters

The background characters for the pool have been re-done. Going from a more realistic style, to a more cartoony one. Which I (personally) think was a really good idea. Poison Snacks is great at drawing these really cute cartoony characters.

More of these will be popping up in the future as they get added to the game.


3D scene layout:

Quality vs content

As some of you might remember, I wanted to make damn sure that the quality of this game far exceeds that of previous games during development, which has also put me in a bit of a bind. Do I release early game versions so the community can see what I'm working on, or do I wait with release until I've got a stable build with all of the correct art.

To be honest. I find myself switching back and forth between the two. The logical part of my brain wants to wait and give you guys the best experience. The emotional part wants to start showing off and get people excited.

In the end though, I think it's best to just keep the game in the shadows for now and wait with releasing the first version. Simply because the game isn't there yet. There is still some writing left to be done, a lot of art to implement and I haven't even started looking for bugs yet. There simply isn't enough of a game there yet to show off to people. We're all very hard at work and I feel like I'd be doing everyone a disservice if I were to release a crummy early-access demo now.

Wrapping up

For now, I want to thank you all for your patience. The game's still being worked on every day and it's shaping up to be better and better. I am very excited for this one and am looking forward to share more with you guys when there's more to report. Stay tuned!




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