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Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Years. January is slowly nearing it's end, so it's about time for another state of the game update.


So a few weeks ago, I put out a poll asking what age the main character should be. Overwhelmingly people voted for same age as the rest of the campers. Which I secretly hoped for.

The story so far has been written from the perspective of someone with more life experience (think Lowlife & New Guy), but... it just wasn't fitting. There was something off about it and although the MC was a very fun character, he ended up kind of feeling like a creep.

So...! After the poll, I decided to do some re-writing. Brought new the age of the main character, introduced some new characters and re-wrote the story and I gotta say... best decision ever. Dialogue flows more natural, social interactions with some of the camp counselors feel a lot less forced now and most importantly... the MC is no longer a creep.

Re-writes took some time, but luckily much less than originally expected. Which means I've had time for many other things this month. Things like:...

Personal Stories

That name is still a WIP. They can best be compared to Persona's Social Links. 1 on 1 stories with characters where you get to know a bit more about them. Learning who they are and what they feel on a more personal level.

Now my games have always had these, but a lot less focus was spent on them in Paprika Trainer. I'm hoping to shift the focus back on these in CMW. After all, you're stuck in a summer camp. Hanging out with friends and socializing should be important in the game.


You've already seen a lot of the backgrounds floating around, but we're also hard at work creating CGs for the game. Which is great! The one downside with CGs is that they take a long time to make.

Now these are multi-layered commissions. Meaning there's different stages of undressing, different facial expressions and effects. I can't wait for you guys to see them. I have some very talented people drawing these and I think you're going to enjoy the final result.


Same as the CGs, these are still being worked on. We'll be focusing on different eyes shapes in the coming weeks, but for now we've been editing the camp uniform. Things like different size shirts for girls with bigger or smaller breast sizes. Shirts with wrinkles or with tears.

These things aren't super exciting, but they're part of the development process. Trust me, it will be worth it in the end!

User feedback

Last year I announced that I'd be asking for more user feedback. Which is something I'd like to keep doing! After the success of the poll a few weeks back, I'll put up a poll at the start of February.

Wrapping up

All right, with all of that out of the way. I'd like to wrap things up. Thank you all for your continued support. Work is continuing behind the scenes and I'll update you all as soon as there's something to report. Take care and have a great latter half of January!



Atillio Aprile (RecallReviews)

I just finished one of the story routes in Orange Trainer. It was good but I was a little disappointed there was no foot stuff lol. Overall I'll play again.


Actually, that might be a good poll topic! "Foot stuff: YES | NO" I'm gonna keep that in mind =D

Atillio Aprile (RecallReviews)

That would be cool. Especially since Ahsoka had a throw away line in a group session she had mentioning foot stuff and I was like, wish I coulda seen it lol. Great game regardless.