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Happy (almost) Halloween everyone! Time for another game update, so let's not mess around and get straight into it.


Like I mentioned last update, most of the base coding is done now. Meaning I can begin implementing mechanics for the game and start writing story. 

Storywise, I've finally settled on a storyline. Last time I let you know that there were some re-writes. I can't tell too much about it yet, but I'm going to spend most of November writing and can't wait for you guys to play the first build.


Progress on the coding front is going well. I can nearly start with story writing as the basic mechanics are nearly done. Art wise, we ran into a bit of a snag. In October two of my three main artists had to go into the hospital and the last one is currently moving house. Luckily everyone is okay and work is going to pick up again in November.

We're getting more concept art done, so that's always a good thing.

My final artist, Coldslums has been hard at work drawing backgrounds and a ton of new ones have been added to the game. Here's a sneak peak of the archery range.

First demo when?

As you know, my goal was to have a first play-able demo out in less than six months. This is still my target. Due to the real life issues, some delays did happen, but we're all working hard on getting this thing done right.

As of right now I can't promise when the first build will be up. Hopefully as quickly as possible. We'll keep you up to date!

Paprika Trainer in Russian...?

I've been approached by a translator, asking if he could translate PT into Russian and maybe even into German. Although this will be an unofficial release, I still hope people benefit from it! I'll ask him for a download link when he finishes.

Wrapping up

I want to give you my thanks for all the support you guys have shown. The first few months of a new game are always a bit rough as everyone is getting settled into their role. Luckily we're still heading the right way and once a play-able demo is available, you'll be the first to know!

Have a great Halloween and I'll see you guys in November.



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