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Whoops, meant to upload this a bit earlier. But here it is! The September Jester Card reward. This time for Alex! Continuing the theme of the last few months, it's a sexy bondage outfit! Let's give you the news!

Public demo

Remember when I said the public demo would be out in a few weeks? Er... a bunch of bug reports came up and I've been working on fixing those. HOWEVER! I do plan to release the public demo at the same time as the next update (this Friday).

There will be some changes in the public demo:

  • You can only play up until a certain point.
  • The foreplay and up scenes will be censored.
  • Some social dialogue will not be available in the demo.

I figured I'd give you a head's up for that.


So last month I reduced the grinding required a lot. However I'm still seeing some people mention that it's too much. I'd like to hear your opinion on it, so I'll be releasing a poll soon asking for your experience.


The September update will go live this Friday! Almost there~... Stay tuned for that.




Grinding and balance is always hard to determine. You could try something like how much you have corrupted the girls and how much others have corrupted them. If others corrupt them too much they bring in less and less resources eventually becoming a double agent and ultimately leaving your agency. The early upgrades could make spying easier but make them more susceptible to others corruption. Making the early game you balancing how you use the girls instead of just outright grinding.


I think just straight up using money for the gadget items is better then having to click back and forth while buying each separate Item I need to craft. Same thing with the potions, but maybe just add one resource you get from the missions, instead of the 6 (or so) different resources you get now. This will reduce grind and the amounts of clicks. And maybe lower the clothing items prices by a one or two hundred.


Nothing sounds more appealing than the public demo is planed for release on Friday ...