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You find all kinds of things when browsing the internet for gifs. I don't know where she's from, but I think I'm in love.


Hi all, another Tuesday update! I've been busy making my code more elegant. As I'm developing this system, it's easy to bloat the code and make it harder to read. I've reduced it by a ton. It allows more detail, takes up less space and should (if all goes well) run more smoothly. 

I've also started to invest more time into the 'theme' of the game. I don't want to make it a simple Good guys vs Bad guys scenario. Which I think gets boring quick. Plus I promised that you'd be able to play as a bad guy as well. So I've started writing down ideas for that. Nothing concrete though, but I'll be working it out more in the coming weeks.


As mentioned last week, my main artist is dealing with some personal things right now, so there won't be a lot of new art updates. That said, I did want to share this background with you:

The goal is to have themed backgrounds for each holiday! This obviously being the Halloween one for the mall.


Whatcha been gamin', Ex? Oh right... I sorta forgot that I keep a gaming section in these update posts. I haven't really been playing anything as of late. I do want to keep playing Final Fantasy 14, but I can't feel myself really compelled to play it. I might actually go back to Age of Mythology, just for nostalgia. That game consumed my life when it came out!

But before I do, of course I'll leave you with another bouncy gif for the week! See you next week!



Supreme Overlord Llama

That first girl is Yang from a show called Rwby. It's pretty good.


You've got a taste for good cosplay, Ex! Also, that background art looks choice.


have you tried Enderal: Forgotten Strories, its on steam


Just saw the trailer and I'm very interested! Thanks for your recommendation.