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Bad news... The law passed and will most likely go into effect in January. I'm getting in contact with Patreon to see if they have any advice, but this ridiculous law seems to be a reality now.


Tl;dr: They've come to take your Orange Buttcheeks away again. If you're in the EU, click here to write your representative to oppose article 13.

Whoohoo! Everyone's favorite topic, internet censorship! So last august we talked about article 13 of the EUCD, a law which would force companies to take down copyrighted materiaal from their websites.

The idea is this:

"John has got a blog, but he has taken an image from Google without asking and is now forced to take it down because the original photographer didn't give him permission." <- Not an entirely unreasonable stance to take. However...

Youtube, Tumblr, Patreon and a lot of other major companies cannot police their entire medium, so they'll have to start using bots instead. What's the difference between copyright infringement and parody? A bot can't tell and will filter out anything that even closely resembled copyrighted material.

Now a small minority of you might say:

"But I don't think this is a bad thing!"

Fine, so let's see what the negative repercussions of this might be. Bots taking down copyrighted material can also be used to restricted other material. Like having the wrong political opinion. Support party X? Better not talk about it, because all your comments, videos, podcasts, etc. will be taken down before ever reaching the public.

What about the future? Giving up your freedom now means giving up a little bit more in a year or 2, and then a bit more 2 years after that.

Luckily, there is something you can do. If you live in the EU you can contact your representative in parlement and ask them to oppose the bill, just like we did back in august. it's easily done via this website:


Just e-mail or call your representative and ask them to oppose the bill. Be polite about it and be serious. Talking about 'Taking away the memes' isn't going to sway their opinion.

It's a duty to ourselves and our neighbors that this act is stopped, right here right now. Thank you for reading.



It's not just article 13, it's all social media too unless otherwise stated by their CEO (minds, mewe, gab, etc). We all saw what happened with Alex Jones. Everyone is in the crosshairs worldwide unless something drastic happens. If you're in the EU, I seriously hope you straighten out the executive decisions of your lawmakers to fundamentally change your nations for the worst. The US and all other new multiculti nations are beginning their death spiral on that front too.


done.... I even added a part to ask them to put stand against the censorship coming into the Digital Economy Act here in the UK


I heard about you guys soon needing loicenses to view porn over there. Is that a part of the Digital Economy Act? How fucked is stuff across the pond for our former motherland?


Honored European "freedom". It's good that I live in Russia, there is much more freedom here))


In some ways, more than America the way it's turning about.


Well, they´ve voted yes, so... it was a fun time and game, goodbye and good luck with the future. "So this is how Liberty dies, with thunderous applause." Padme


Lol, Europe just fucked itself. Maybe it's time to give your lawmakers consequences for their actions. Too bad some of you don't have guns or even knives to defend yourself, your family, or your rights anymore because your governments considered it best for your safety.


Aside from what was just done, did Europeans have many liberties to begin with?


oh shit it was a verry nice game and i hope you find a way to publish that to the end


Law won't go into effect until Januari. Meaning I still have a few months left to finish it!


Oh, on your update to the original post: don't be surprised if Patreon tells you to get fucked and doesn't give you advice. The company founder doesn't like having porn on his fundraising platform.


Use a server from like Pakistan their copyright laws are nearly nonexistent


This is bullshit! It's not like there's not a warning on these types of games explicitly warning that there's adult content. Plus this is a closed project, those who know about it are downloading it on purpose through donations. You have all your bases covered, I don't see what the big deal is. They can go fuck themselves on the censorship issue. I will still continue to support this project to completion. I got your back.

Victor Lewis

this isent really the end of the game you can always use a vpn or have someone els run the website in the US. Something like that. Look at insexual awakening their game is still being released just not on parreon


The game was fantastic and amazing


Just hope everything will be ok &lt;3


hey since i'm a broke fan this is the only place i've been able to message (i tried PM, you don't show up). I was just wondering what the 9/28 update means for the demo?


Signed. Love your work dude.


Currently on a 3$ pledge, but I can’t see your 3$ posts, I made sure I choose the right tier and reward. What’s happening?


The niggering cannot be stopped




Double nigger


Triple nigger


Quadruple Nigger


Quintilian nigger