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All right, for those who don't know. Star Wars Clone Wars was cancelled after season 6, leaving a lot of story arcs unfinished. But they're bringing it back! I can't believe it, but I'm excited as all hell for this.

Check out the epic trailer!


Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 Comic-Con Trailer | Rotten Tomatoes TV

► Watch more from Comic-Con 2018: http://bit.ly/2uu9dpo AND watch Your Opinion Sucks LIVE Saturday @ 5pm PST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MpqzsDdLk8 Check out the new Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 Comic-Con Trailer starring Matt Lanter! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Learn more about this show on Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/star_wars_the_clone_wars?cmp=RTTV_YouTube_Desc US Air Date: Coming Soon Starring: Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, Tom Kane Network: Disney Streaming Platform Synopsis: Yoda, Anakin and the Jedi Knights fight in the Clone Wars, taking them to many new planets and introducing new players. The series spans the time between 'Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones' and 'Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.' What to Watch Next: ► Top Sci-Fi/Horror/Fantasy: http://bit.ly/2F0j76g ► Most Anticipated Shows: http://bit.ly/2GQb8cq ► TV Shows by Channel & Streaming Platform: http://bit.ly/2GKXHuv More Rotten Tomatoes: ► Subscribe to ROTTEN TOMATOES TV: http://bit.ly/2qTF6ZY ► Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2mpschF ► Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2COySMI ► Follow us on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2FlxGC6 Rotten Tomatoes TV delivers Fresh TV at a click! Subscribe now for the best trailers, clips, sneak peeks, and binge guides for shows you love and the upcoming series and TV movies that should be on your radar.


Supreme Overlord Llama

When someone first shared this with me I thought it was some sort of cruel joke. YYYYYEEEEE, I can't wait. :D


You found out just now?! I'm in Europe and I got told mere minutes after the reveal. What crazy time zone do you live in? 😅


To be honest, Disney owns Star Wars now and I wouldn't put it past them to try and run the series into the dirt. I have zero faith that they won't ruin it for us. Was Rebels any good? It looked like the animation quality was closer to Reboot than Star Wars and I was sure they'd try to break classic lore, so I didn't touch it. If season 6 is good, I'll be very pleasantly surprised.


Season 6 of Clone Wars was released years ago. This is 7, made by the same guys who made CW (and who made Rebels). Disney was very hands off tbh. CW was cancelled because of a big drop in viewership as much of the target demo grew out of it. (- Pablo Hidalgo on Twitter... although he deletes his tweets regularly, so its gone now). Continuing a show that had been on a rival network is also its own can of worms. Clone Wars is being revived now due to the renewed interest due to the Netflix exposure as well as fan demand, for one last huzzah of 12 episodes to complete the series, leading into Order 66. It'll air on the Disney streaming service after that launches in fall 2019, probably alongside the post ROTJ Live Action series, meaning they won't have to adhere to the restrictions set by Disney on TV. (age gating etc) Much like you, I was really sceptical about Rebels, given the Disney factor. Thankfully it aired at Disney XD, the channel intended for the more "mature" kid audience. (still Disney tho, so not as dark as Cartoon Network, but close). Rebels is made by Dave FIloni and the same team that made Clone Wars. Much like CW, Rebels began kinda childish, but grew to be pretty great in the end. Even "fillers", like the stupid episodes about the "Space Whales" (not in-universe name) have major impact later on, and actually make sense lore wise when you think about it. Rebels is not as good looking or as dark as CW, but still good. Although S2/3 got dark at times... As for visuals, Lucas poured a shitton of his own money into CW animation. Disney gave Rebels a smaller budget (more akin to other TV animation projects in the industry... CW episodes got close to movie budgets in the end). But the visuals in Rebels improve, much like CW did. (And the music is GREAT! Kevin Kiner of Clone Wars fame, is once again producing golden tunes to my ears delight) Heck, Rebels even continues the story of Ahsoka, Hondo, Rex, Anakin/Vader and Maul! How could you NOT watch that as a CW fan?! Also: here is a dope trailer. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TO8y4QO9k0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TO8y4QO9k0</a> (Some season 2 spoilers).


I'm a little distracted with work, 6 kept coming up. I didn't know all that about Rebels and considered it tainted, I honestly judged it at face value.


Is there a good way to view Rebels or do you need a Disney sub to get to it?


this is so fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!


Pirate sites aren't too hard to find. Several stream shows and if you have a broken firestick, you can nearly get anything.


There is a lot or unfounded hate towards Rebels from people who are naturally pissed CW was canceled. It's not remotely as bad as some make it out to be. As for pirated streams... For gods sake, use adblock on those websites (ublock origin is a great addon/extension). If you want them in good HD then torrenting is an option. Windscribe is also a good free VPN service to have turned on if you're worried about torrenting. (10GB free per day I think). You can also use 10minutemail.net to make throwaway accounts for Windscribe. (emails that expire after 10 min unless you refresh them). The old r/megalinks forum on reddit has moved here <a href="https://forum.snahp.it/index.php" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://forum.snahp.it/index.php</a> Not sure if someone has uploaded Rebels. Edit: just checked. All of Rebels is on there. 18 GB. Requires a forum account and a MEGA account to download. You can get a decent download limit by doung stuff like confirming your email and installing the app ln your phone.


Thanks for that bevy of information. I will admit, I hated on Rebels just to hate on Rebels. I thought adblock was the extension everybody downloaded first. XD Speaking of shows that got canceled unjustly, did you guys follow Young Justice?


Sadly, I don't trust Disney anymore! Seriously, who can take a billion dollar franchise and ruin it by handing it over to a person without any clue how to run a great franchise and tons of ideology that she wants to push on fans? Seriously, Kathleen Kennedy was/is not that great! She was there when greatness happened, but she was never the person to make it happen! I mean look at it: Both movies (discounting 'So Low: A dumb feminist wars story' and even 'Rogue One' (which is decent, but a total retcon that makes no sense! Hell, it makes Leia look utterly stupid when she lies to Vader in 'A New Hope'...he saw her ship depart from the battle of Scarrif only a short while before so her "Diplomatic Mission" bullshit just doesn't fly and it was flimsy in the first place!)) she made (or had made!) are bad! Especially since she chose bad directors! Abrams is overrated and he likes to blow up science fiction universes to do his own thing and Johnson just makes movies to fuck with peoples' expectations (he doesn't care about the fans etc.) I mean the visiuals are still good, but other than that both movies suck! The first one ('The Farce Awakens') lacks any creativity what so ever ('A New Hope' rip off!) and the second is just shitty and shamelessly pushes Kennedy's agenda (the first one had hints of that, with Rey the Mary-Sue who bashes trained force users into submission and needs no training, despite the fact that the prequels (which are still canon!) show that jedi DO NEED TRAINING! The second however went overboard with only one male character in the whole movie not being a total fuck-up: Kylo Ren and he's the bad guy so he doesn't really count! All the other characters are acting totally stupid (brain afk/braindead!), except for the women!) Then there's 'Rebells' - boring! Damned, look at the fight scenes! They lack tension (the clone wars was better at this!)! Also: Destroying the EU? Unforgiveable sin, Darth Disney! Restore it or lose more money! Assholes! ps: Not to mention that they do stuff that should never work (that hyperspace ramming maneuver! That is NOT how hyperspace works! Hell, if it does: Why didn't they strap hyperdrives to asteroids, provided a droid and peppered the Deathstar with them? Seriously, this ruins space combat!) or that is utterly pointless (Cantobyte (spelling?) and all that trash!)


Unfounded? Rebells isn't as good IMHO, I don't totally hate it, but for me it is utterly boring (not to mention that they ruined Thrawn, by showing this pale copy (bad clone?) of the Grand-Admiral that Timothy Zahn envisioned and wrote about in his Thrawn Novels (Heir to the Empire etc.)...this guy is a bumbling baffoon compared to the genius that is in those books! The real deal would have had those bumbling Rebells routed within months if not weeks! Seriously! Bah, that is NOT Thrawn!)


Other than Solo being something nobody asked for Star Wars is better than ever! I am really looking forward to this!