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Update: So, I worked through the night and most of today. I think I can get the update out to you before midnight. It won't be a very big one, but it's better than nothing. There's some fun new stuff in it.


Might as well get right to the point. Right before finishing up the game for distribution, I changed the folder name, which messed the code up badly.

I lost a lot of progress. I'm going to try my damn hardest to re-write and re-code everything, but that means there won't be an update this week. The only positive point is that I've written it before, so it should go faster the second time.

I have no excuse. It's completely my fault and I have learnt my lesson. I must ask you for your patience and will try to make it up with you all.

Thank you for your patience and your support.




No Problem, that happens everybody but keep up your good work.


it's cool dude take your time


It's fine. Your work ethic and commitment are admirable and I am willing to wait.


Hey man... You know, most of us have no clue about programing. so, just do your best, take time to make breaks and stay cool and happy. We will be able to wait this little longer


Do you not use git or something for version control? Because that is definitely going to keep things like this or other loss of progress from happening.


Hey man take all the time you need


just keep it cool and do it your pace

Alexander Osterman

There's a plugin for Notepad++ that lets you regex search and replace all files in a directory tree. I use it for hacking Ren'py games all the time, and may help with reliably and quickly refactoring everything.


Things happen man all you can do is own up and just try to do what you can to fix it


Now you know why you need a backup and version managing system (like git and subversion), get it implemented ASAP, there's no excuse for things like these to happen in a professionel environment!

Jank Jenkum

No worries, do what you need to do


"blessed are the pessimists, for they have made backups"


sorry to hear about the mishap, i know how discouraging that can be. Thank you for the heads up on it.


"Always expect the worst and you can only be pleasantly surprised."


Only so much you can do, looking forward to the finished product. But take all the time you need to make it good and ready. Hoping for more finished content, quests, and artwork.


hey man shit happens your doing coding for a game that we all love just take your time an keep your head up


I am a bit confused, it's been a while since I coded, but you should never mention the root folder right? You can easily code it in a way so you never mention it {with "../" or something I believe). Anyway, love your game and keep up the good work =3


No worries man, just take the time you need.


well better a delayed game than a shitty game, take your time to make it awesome as always


Ouch. That has to suck. Vibes man.

Marty McLean

Ok, do I scream and pout while sitting in the corner with my blankie now or do I have to wait? Everyone makes mistakes. The wise man learns the fool repeats. Sounds to me like it is a case of lesson learned.


Update: So, I worked through the night and most of today. I think I can get the update out to you before midnight. It won't be a very big one, but it's better than nothing. There's some fun new stuff in it.

Marty McLean

Take your time, get it right to the point you feel good about your product.


Dam, chill man, take your time. I can wait a week, or another month no piggy. You work very hard, and fast, must be frustrating.


Hey guys, I appreciate your understanding. That said, it wouldn't sit right with me to charge patrons and then not deliver. Uploading the game now. Will post it as soon as that's done.


Some programs will do an auto-rename throughout all your code if you change a folder name or something, I assume this is what happened.


Gotta admit, this could've easily been avoided if you used a repo. IF you dont want people to be able to snoop, just create a private repo on Gitlab.


As they say, any mistake can be the harbinger of new discovery, so be strong and go ahead!

Victor Lewis

these things happen, people make mistakes.


Hey Exiscoming i really like this game and its one of my favourites but i think the sex scene with ashoka should be reworked. The art isn't good there. Her face looks awful. Who does agree?


A lot of people have talked about this. However I never really saw the problem with it. It is on the "to do" list, but I'd love to hear what people dislike about it.


The problem might be that she looks ugly in the sex scene. Most people might agree that she looks nice in the blowjob scene, handjob scene and buttjob scene.


Agreed. The face is just... well derpy. Also unlike the handjob or BJ there's no sense of motion. The HJ and BJ are imo the best out of everything because their arn't just a static image. Asoka's expression changes throughout and she moves around. Where as the sex scene is just her staring at the camera with the same face and some camera shake at the end. Seeing as her training was all leading up to this I think everyone was expecting a more complex scene

Victor Lewis

the sex scene is not bad its just the her facial features


Last no patreon news so I post it here : Continue the good work dude, really good game :)