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Hey, everyone!

Just in time for Christmas, here's my fully completed Halloween comic!

Sorry it took so long. I hope it was worth the wait. I did end up scrapping a little bit of it because I felt like I was getting too carried away with side things, but I really hope that you all enjoy the complete product.

Sadly, I won't have an update to Girl in the Globe coming afterward. I really couldn't find anything I wanted to do to continue the story right now. Instead, I plan on finishing up Witchy Ex-Girlfriend, because that's what's been on my mind a lot lately.

I'll get working on that after Christmas. (It's been so hectic IRL!)

In the meantime, I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday and that you all enjoy this story. It's been one of my favorites.

You can read the full thing in the Basic folder or by downloading the attached PDF file.

Cheers and thank you for giving me a reason to create these things. :)
- Kara
The posters in the comic were shout outs to some amazing artists and storytellers who don't get enough recognition, Jakal, TheSmuttyBandit, and Chlorophile. Check them out when you get a chance!




Thanks for the comic Kara! And I wish you a Merry Christmas as well :)

Motdurza z Bratislavy

I say when someone drop almost 300 pages, I really do not care if it is Halloween at Christmas, or Christmas at summer. I take it as gift any time a year.

Harley Allen

Can we finish detective Barton ave the new girl as well? It’s hard to be excited about a new comic when you can’t stop thinking about the old one you’re already invested in. Thanks for new new comic though… not complaining


Yeah I won't do anything new until I do reasonable updates to a bunch of existing stories. This one is done. No updates needed. Next I'll finish Witchy Epilogue, then a Batson update or a Sentai one, whichever I'm feeling after. New Girl 3 will be the planned conclusion to that comic series. So that will be a standalone thing. I also want to get into Dan's Distortion, but I'm trying to find a good place to put it as it's mostly story conclusion now. Maybe I'll make that a steady update between comics...


Great comic. Looking forward to Witchy's conclusion too!

Mr. O

This was great, always love seeing someone get their punsihment


I love your stuff but i have to cancel my sub, I know im gonna get hate but you charge way to much for only putting stuff out a few times a year. There's other patreoncreators that do the same stuff as you but put it out a few times a week not just a few times a year:/ I really love your stuff but paying you for nothing is I have other things to buy. Send hate now :) I will follow you and if you bring out something new I'll check back in


Understandable. I'm working on the end of Witchy right now and dabbling with other things on the side. It all goes free eventually anywho. This thing is just a way for people to support my creations, and I give early access as a thanks. So thank you for your support. ❤️