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Well, uh...

I don't really know how else to say this, but I kinda got sucked down a rabbit hole with this latest comic.

I'm really sorry with how long Dan's Distortion is taking, and it's nearly completed. It's been "mostly" completed for like two weeks. But I kinda took a side quest with trying to find out how to make better quality gifs, and I got sucked into learning how to use a video creation software.

The problem is, I'm not really great at making animations yet. They're a little janky and kinda creepy in parts, and I'm trying really hard to figure out how the heck to make them better. But I just realized how far into November we are and I really need to put something out for you guys.

Dan's Distortion 9 is going to be released in two different ways. First, I plan to drop the comic with some attached animations like I've been doing lately. Then I'd really like to try my hand at making a full animated comic, and maybe do a quickie transformation animated comic afterward.

I didn't start DD9 with the intention for it to be completely animated, so I hope what follows is significantly better, but if you're patient with me as I learn this I think I'll be able to make some REALLY cool stuff down the line.

Anywho, I attached a dirty teaser (it's a small sample of the comic's sex scene) to show you what I've created. Again, it's not great but I hope you enjoy it.

In the meantime, I'm working hard to get this out in both formats ASAP. I probably shouldn't have gotten so far into playing with this stuff before I released something, but I'm super excited to see what I can do with it.

Link if the attachment doesn't work. I've never tried to do a video post with Patreon before and the preview is just a MEGA icon.

Cheers and love!
- Kara




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