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Hey, everyone. I'm really sorry for the content delays and the silence. It's been a journey for me and I should've been more transparent when I could have been.

Over the last few months I've been dealing with the loss of a couple of really close family members, and earlier this month I wound up hospitalized for a little over a week due to some pretty severe health issues.

Doctors visits and traveling to specialists, as well as trying to catch everything else up at home has absolutely robbed me of this month. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to drop a new comic.

I'm at a place right now where I feel like everything is improving both mentally and physically and I will hopefully have Sentai's next chapter for all of you in a day or two. It was super close to being ready before all of this happened, even though my creativity took a heavy hit dealing with a lot of death in a short amount of time, I was confident I was going to have it out the first week of the month. I'm so frustrated with myself.

But I do want to thank everyone who reached out to me or voiced their concern over my disappearance. I am so sorry I didn't write something up earlier. I'll be honest, I'm incredibly nervous writing this now, because I don't really want to bring others down and I feel like my status updates of late have been attempts at excuses.

I don't like making excuses usually, and my goals are always to provide fun and entertainment, even if it comes with some dark storytelling. Storytelling I hope I can get back in the swing of at a reasonable pace. It's just... well, life has kinda sucked over here for a good chunk of time. :/

But I'm hoping the worst is behind me and I am truly blessed with all of your support in every regard. So thank you so much for your love and time. <3

- Kara



Super pumped for this note! Just glad that you are doing better. Take care of yourself. ❤️❤️


💌welcome back kara


Really nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear of your loss xx

Douglas C. Fowler

Hi Kara. Please do not feel embarrassed on expressing feelings of sadness and loss. I can't speak for all but most of your fans out here have very positive thoughts and feelings toward you. When you are back in your zone and grace us with what you have created it will be even more of a delight.

Fox Face

So sorry to hear of this Kara. Take the time you need, and take care of yourself.


Loss is hard no matter what. Your health should be your first concern. I'm was worried about you because I love your work. But I am sure I speak for all your fans that we love your work so much we are willing to wait till you are ready to put it out. Don't rush because you don't want to disappoint us. We would rather wait longer and get the quality we have seen you do. You are amazing. Take care of yourself.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Don't worry about comics. Just get healthy! Sorry for your losses. :(


We all love you. Get better, and I understand loss, I've lost my parents and brother over the last 5 years, and it's been very hard. You learn to live with it, you never get over it. Be strong, don't be afraid to talk to family or friends, or even strangers. You are not alone.

Napalm burns

Keep on trucking, some things in life just need your full attention, and thats ok.


Rest up, Recover, We'll be waiting