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Still working on BerryQuest2!  In fact, I'm hoping to finish it soon.

This document is all about Matiha by herself, if you choose to move into the Wayfort.  A lot of her content is going to be copy-pasted from the BQ2 document, but she has a handful of sex scenes written by others in the community to help pad her content.  And I'm thinking of writing one more...

As of this posting, all of her content is original, which is about 4,400 words.  All future updates will go here!


Let's Be Real, Matiha Could Feed A Village (Patreon doc)

Overview: This document is just for if Matiha is sent to the Wayfort upon the completion of BerryQuest 2. All of her talk topics, sex scenes (in the Berry document), and interactions should be mostly portable into this document without much fuss - but I'll still be copy-pasting everything Matih...


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