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Alcina continues providing quality control testing with Spencer's newest creation while Mother Miranda takes notes for later reflection.

Check out the end of this comic in the following locations!

2023 > New Monthly Content > Quality Control
2023 > Mini-Comics > Quality Control

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Just noticed the pages jump from pg.32 to pg.34 is there a missing page 33 or is the comic meant to be 59 pages rather than 60?


It's a deleted image that didn't make it into the final cut and I was too lazy/stupid to renumber the pages. For those curious, it was a throwaway image of Miranda finding one of Moreau's dirty magazines in the library and commenting on it while X gave it to Alcina in the background. It obviously contributed much to the comic as a whole and was deleted with a heavy heart.


Wish this gets a followup, mother Miranda seems eager to try