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I've been getting a lot of messages regarding Mega requiring a decryption key for the links I'm providing.

The links do not require passwords. This is an error.

If Mega tells you it requires a decryption key, please try refreshing the link and/or clearing your browser cache. I've been told by others that this usually fixes the issue.

UPDATE: This workaround was provided by unknown94 on my Star. If you're using the Mega mobile app, sometimes clicking the link results in the decryption key error. Unknown94 said that copying the link and pasting it into your address bar works. I know this sucks, but this is beyond my control.

I don't know why Mega is doing this suddenly, but I'll try and figure out (yet another) file sharing alternative soon.



I too don't have any issues till now. But it is worth looking into and is not good. Hope you find an alternative soon


I can open it but I click new content and all that is there is 1-15. No new pages


Then you're using the old links. Every month, I update the links on the $5 and $15 link posts. Be sure you're using those links instead and update your bookmarks. =D