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Redd makes her choice...or choices, rather. Convinced the girl has a screw loose, old Ethel acquiesces and Redd gets to meet her company for the evening. Now she must choose how she wants to go about playtime.

Check out the next 20 pages in the following locations:

2023 > New Monthly Content > The Wash
2023 > Full Comics > The Wash

Click the link and follow the directions, then if you're a Silver patron be sure to come back and cast your vote in the next post!

NOTE: In the "playmate selection" vote, I decided to take the winners from both my Patreon and Star and enter them both. Bunyan was a landslide victory on Patreon, while B.B. held the highest spot on Star.




Thank you for your answer... Too bad : Mama was cool ^^ But as I can see in your other answer, you're going to use that character in another comics so that's okay.


Yes, only thing there are the first 15 pages. Nothing new


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