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Helen, Natasha, and Diane find themselves in the clutches of a dicked and dastardly villain that's seeing the results of her latest experiment in action.

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Oooh maybe she will clear some of the slime away and kick her nuts until she cums?


This is an amazing concept, and the visual effects are mind boggling! We need to see this story continue. But what does the "HOP" in the image titles stand for?


Just wondering why you don’t have actual moving animations. The draws are so detailed abs the storylines are very entertaining. You would have a ton video footage!


Unfortunately because animating in Daz is akin to nailing your scrotum to a metal chair using a banana. Nothing about it is fun nor intuitive. =(


I honestly can't remember! =P Thanks for the praises, though!


Only if the platinum patron behind these images wants it. =P