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Yet another new Outside of the Ring comic, but this time I didn't have to be bribed! I'm starting to gain interest in F.U.T.A. again after so long, so maybe once I wrap up my current pending projects you guys will see Season 2 start to roll out! =D

But anywho, check out the introduction to the new comic featuring Cait O'Malley, Margaret Richmond, and Louise Hwang in the following locations!

5 Patrons > New Monthly Content > Birds of a Feather
5 Patrons > The FUTA > Outside of the Ring > Birds of a Feather

Click the above links and follow the directions!




How far are you with punch drunk?/Is it in progress?


These look like new models. Theyre phenomenal


Your comics are all fantastic but some of my favorites have been the Outside The Ring ones so I'm happy to see this series return!


Great comic, was wondering when it will be finished?


Is it my imagination or have you upped the level of detail of the renders? I'm loving every beautiful freckle, wrinkle, droplet, and stray hair. And I'm happy to see more F.U.T.A. Any chance you'll be doing anything more with the ladies from Unconventional? That was the comic that first turned me on to your work and I'd love to see more!


Thank ya! They are in fact new models. Technically you guys have seen these versions of them in past images, but I recently updated them to make them look "better."


Unconventional is tough because I don't have any concrete ideas of what I wanna do with it or even if I wanna continue it, I'm afraid! You can actually see in the patron folders that I **was** continuing it (and even adding animations), but I cancelled it because it just didn't feel "right" to me.


I love your comics but I'm really hoping for a Broken update :( Another underrated comic of yours that I love is Riddled. Curious to see what happens next


And will all of the F.U.T.A models get new looks or will some keep the same?


Hello! It would be great to see the continuation of the mini-comic of Urbos and Link! Maybe you have such plans?) That would be cool)