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TL;DR is located at the BOTTOM of this post. 

Alright, my lovelies! Some news!

First of all, the patron folder links should be updated!
CLICK HERE to go to the mega-post regarding how to access those folders and find content, especially if you're just now finding my Patreon!

Second, it's July! My longer-time followers and patrons know what that means...Free To Try July! All content I release publicly this month will be 100% free to view, and will be found primarily on my Slushe, in the patron folders (linked above in the mega-post), and on E-Hentai once the month is finished!

For those new to Free to Try July, it's a month that serves several purposes! I use it as a very small token of appreciation for all the WONDERFUL support I've gotten from you guys. Whether you're an old follower, a new supporter, a pledging patron, or just an admirer of my work, it's because of YOU that I've been able to turn a hobby into a job.

I cannot thank you enough.

Another purpose is that it's my birth month, and I use FTT July to commemorate the day God abandoned us and I was unleashed upon the world!

So there's that!

Finally, I'm actively seeking alternatives to this platform I'm afraid. I'm under review again and cannot access my pledges at the moment until the review has concluded...whether for better or worse. That said, if for any reason you are unable to access my page in the coming month, PLEASE be sure to check out my Twitter for news and updates!

With all that out of the way, content is coming!

- "Playing Host" will be finishing this month, and since it's being finished DURING FTT July, I will be releasing the WHOLE mini-comic for free.

- We're starting a new comic involving some superhero cousins that might meet their match in an older villainess (platinum patron request).

- Continuing "In Deep" with Sarah and Delphine (platinum patron request).

- A random brain fever comic idea I had involving an orc and elf that I started last month and is now almost completely ready to render!

- If time permits I'll begin work on ANOTHER comic. If a comic is started this month I'll release it for free regardless of release date since it was started during FTT July. There's a VERY good chance the comic will be Punch Drunk 2, but that may change since the orc and elf comic is ALSO a fighting comic. Maybe Unconventional 2? Who knows!


- Folder links have been updated. Click here to go to the post and follow directions.

- It's Free to Try July. Everything I publish is free and will be found in the patron folders, on Slushe, and on E-Hentai at the end of the month.

- I'm under review again and actively seeking a new platform alternative. If I'm suddenly not here anymore, please visit my Twitter for news.

- More content is coming soon.



Wew! Sounds good! I’d like to officially cast my vote for Unconventional 2 lol


Also, happy Birthday-Month! Love your work, and I’m more that happy to support you.


Patreon is a bit too censorship heavy for my tastes, so if you decide to move to SubscribeStar or some other alternative platform I'm happy to support you there! :)

Christian Schmidt

Subscribe Star or Pixiv Fanbox as long as you don't post your uncensord work on those plattforms you can do everything doesn't matter what kind of content! You can post links to the uncensored content they are fine with that!


I'm seeing these patreon review post more and more often lately. At this rate all NSFW artists will move to a different platform and at this point I pretty much welcome it.