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Just letting all you beautiful people know that the monthly folder links have been updated, so make sure you're using the NEW links for this month's content as it gets added!

CLICK HERE to go directly to the folder listing. 


Also, sorry for the lateness of new content! I recently bought "The Outer Worlds" and spent like...the last 3 days playing the hell out of it instead of working because I'm an awful human being.

Expect new content ASAP!



No worries, man. I think quite a bit of us are also playing Outer World. (I know I am.) lol


No worries. Its absolutely worth the wait with what your producing :-D

Angelo B.

What do I hear? People doing something other than working! Inconceivable.

Christian Schmidt

The Main Question is is the Outer World good enough to waste your time on it?🤔


I feel so! As I was mentioning on my Discord server, the game *is* a bit on the short end...but the time is well-spent with excellent characters, writing, humor, and interactions. I can appreciate a never-ending, procedurally-generated game just like anybody for 100+ hours, but I definitely prefer a well-crafted, 20+ hour narrative that makes good use of its setting and characters over just random, directionless chaos.


I agree! Love the in-game narrative and well crafted characters you meet in branching story lines :)


Hey, I’m a new patron here, and I was wondering if you’re going to make a second season of The F.U.T.A?


That's cool to hear, but I was just curious to ask about the status on "In a New Light"?


Yes indeed! Prolly gonna get things kicked back off in January. That feels "right."


Too many good games out....i understand