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Alright, here's where things are gonna either be really awesome or really fucky.

Basically, each of the girls' owners tell me what they want to happen, then you guys vote on the options presented. Orgasms are guaranteed at the end of each round, but a dice roll will determine if the cummee is down for the rest of the match. After that, I roll to see who tags out, then we repeat the process. Easy peasy!

Tag partners are only allowed TWO interferences before being disqualified, so keep that in mind.

This poll will be open for at least 48 hours and multiple choice IS allowed. If any of the votes are within a 10% difference of each other, I will either hold a tie-breaker or roll a dice to determine the winner. Depending on what choices are selected, I might actually end up choosing the top 2 votes, but that will be up to me.

Please keep in mind I'm currently in a disaster area that was affected by the hurricane, so it may take a little longer for some things to get out this month. Just bear with me.



Come on more love for olivia's balls!


"Cum on Olivia's balls" is what my brain immediately screamed when I read that.


so my guess is ingrid is called the bear because she fucks while bearhugging them. its nice having a character who can be very clingy. can't wait to see all sorts of lift and carrys she does. that is if she wins.


Alright so I may be a bit slow, but can someone explain what "hot doging" is?


I believe in this context it means Ingrid will be holding on to Shaylah's booty and sliding her giant dong between her snug buns. Hence the hot dog ;)


This isn't a hard decision. Ball is life, and every ball game needs a good hot dog.


Great characters in this one. Whatever the results of the poll it would be cool to see a real battle of wills as the girls do everything they can to resist an orgasm, only to visibly weaken. Good luck to them on this one!


"Nutcracker sweet"...curious what the name entails!