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Alright! Most of you know how this works, but for newcomers simply make your selection of who you think should be winning the next chunk of images!

You can only vote once (though you may change your vote any time while the poll is up), and the poll will stay up for the next 72 hours!

Also, I want to call your attention to the last two voting options. These "instant win" options will make the selected girl win the match entirely and change the match type to a completely new, SPECIAL match type:

Ghost of the Past - A previously-defeated wrestler challenges the winner (wrestler decided by comments and CAN WIN the match)

Buddy System - Another wrestler joins the winner in having fun with the loser (wrestler decided by comments)

Spoiled - The loser is milked dry by the winner, or vice versa (decided by comments)

Wildcard - The winner commands the loser to do whatever she wants. Discord-driven ideas.

If you select an instant win option, do NOT include details of which match type/wrestler you want. This will be part of the NEXT vote if the instant vote ends up winning.

That said, please make sure you all vote and have fun! =D


Jack Pinder

Bunny takes the punches and dishes out some creative surprising moves. Bunny gets off on Cobra's dominance. Ginny shows a little jealousy as Bunny wigs out in memorable erotic blissful defeat. Bunny builds a crush on Cobra to carry over into Cobra's next match. Cobra tries to ignore her. Keep the jealousy going


I'd like to see Cobra throw bunny around some more, before dragging her off to the showers caveman style for some pelvis-shattering tribal snu-snu. Or maybe even get Ingrid join in on the fun, two of the biggest fighters to double team Bunny.


Hope Cobra takes the match.


More CBT.


how do you come up with all the dialogue squarepeg? you nailed caits irish accent and bunnys dialogue is funny. and i would imagine cobra speaks in a jamaican accent as well? also come on people, vote for cobra! i think she makes a great queen!


The people who voted on the first two options may want to change over to the sudden death option in favor of cobra, if they want their votes to mean anything.


Very interesting notions! I'll keep these suggestions in mind. =D


Ingrid does indeed need some more love. Lol, if Cobra wins this one maybe that image I did of Ingrid and Cobra awhile back actually has Bunny off-camera somewhere. =P


I dunno, doing characters has just always come to me. The wife keeps telling me I need to do one of my serious stories for you guys, but right now I'm just enjoying the flow of everything. =D


Very true! As it stands that vast majority of people want to see one of these girls at the mercy of another. If the polls stay like this, I second Pancaek's notion that you change your vote to one of the sudden death options to maximize your girl's chance of winning.


I also like Pancaek would say the same about people who voted for either the fifth or sixth option to vote for the Bunny first fall option.


Ah yes! That's what I meant by my reply to his last comment. If people are voting for Bunny at all, go ahead and throw your votes in the instant win option for her. Vice versa for Cobra.

Angelo B.

This is so one sided towards these complete control endings.


That's just this particular match type is all. =(


Crazy closeee whew! And I'm glad most people are going for the first fall, options, hopefully the rest change their votes so it's not wasted.


This poll...THIS POLL. <a href="https://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/03/20/63594034478623885075720166_sweat.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/03/20/63594034478623885075720166_sweat.gif</a>


Really hope the Cobra voters at the top realize that if they want her to win they need change to the sudden death option at the end.