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Part of a short series I'm working on for Sexyfur. Sister of the other Deer I drew in December. Basically a palette swap - hah. Whether or not I show the color work I do indeed color most sketches because I am shit at visualizing in lines so I do some quick colors at some point to keep things moving.

There is some bg fuckery that I need to fix up before moving forward. Specifically the arms of the lawn furniture and getting the right plane on the edge of the table in the back there. Easy fixes and indeed the finished version (which I can't post here!) will have a better version of those things but EHHHHHHHHH the rest is looking fine. I like how this came out and I'd like to share it - something I rarely do for these sketches! Censored ofc but this is better than nothing, right?!? Visually it's pretty similar to the last two posts so yeah... guess I'm in a mood for some earthen tones and blue!
