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Have a Bokko.

It's not the first attempt at drawing her this month. It is, however, the better of the bunch.

For whatever reason the font was broken on the computer I drew this on this is the best I could do for now, not that it matters much!

I was out of town for about two weeks and have been sick as a dog since last sunday... so a week. I'm a bit better now, still sore as fuck from all of the coughing and my ears/ nose still feel plugged up but eh... s'all good. I'll live. Expect more art soon. Sorry for any delays - as it turns out I get the jitters before I travel so art I intended on doing before I left didn't get done.

Small note: about a day's worth of time in the last two weeks was spent either standing in line, sitting through hours of delays, or in transit. Tiring... but ultimately worth it.

Art for this month can be found here:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1jphwngoocs4g14/AAA1g37zzX4xsRF9Yup_jtS_a?dl=0

No pass because A: anyone who would share the link would share the pass too and B: knowing that, the added hassle it gives to people seeking easy access to work they support just doesn't feel worth it after talking to a few supporters and other folks who do similar things with their art.




It isn't truly Easter until all the bunnies get drawn. Very nicely done, and very cute.


Very nice, I like it!


A lovely bunny and a great view of her. :D


Super cute:)


Awww. Now she just needs some cream filling


Wish I had her in my easter basket X3