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Link to all of the Feb 2017 images


pass: fulbrook

This month sucks. The shortened month does not go well with my schedule which are planned out by the days. Unfortunately I currently have a few conflicts that as of right now can only be solved by not sleeping right for a few days. Boo.

Update proper

Tentacle folio that I keep putting off - Finished editing/ etc all but one image. Gonna be honest with you. I just don't like it. To the point to where I don't think I will even include it in the package. I will draw a replacement and post it here in full as my for the folio which will be 14 images.

Daki - The long/ thin image format is weird for me and I had trouble getting some poses out that I liked so I'm still working on it. I had to chose between that or some pinups for this month and I chose pinups.

Comic - Going to do the visual novel route afterall. It's going to be done in flash and I already have the scripts/ etc finished (I can switch between classic visual novel style and full motion comic on a whim). It's just a matter of doing the art and typing things out. More info on that later.
