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This was in my 2015 Folio but actually drawn in the tail end of 2014 I believe. It's not like I have a concrete reason why I haven't made it public digitally yet. It's not like I wall the art intentionally. Like a lot of things it's simply a case where I draw more than I post. For some folios, if I have the extra time, I simply do extra art. The problem becomes whether or not I remember if I sold the rights to them or if I already posted them - which does happen more than you would think. So to play it safe I just kind of... forget about them. Like that 14 image tentacle folio I did and never did anything with holy shit (I need a manager or assistant lol).

Anyway - I like the drawing well enough. Simple concept: She woke up early, started getting ready for the day, had an accident, and decided to snap pic.




Really cute, always appreciate getting to see more Missy B) Do you think you might be doing anything with the tentacle folio any time soon? Would love the opportunity to buy a copy.


Mik and Missy on the same day, that has made my day.


This is quite cute. I -still- want to throw money at you for the tentacle folio though. Been pining for that one for a long time. ;_;


I'll re-edit a few images and I should have a version of it available in a week or two. I promise!


hmm... two weeks are over and ther are no Picture QwQ