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Been a minute. Art is indeed incoming. It's just like in the past where it's more heavy toward the end of the month. More so this time because of the hurricane draining me and forcing me to take on a week's worth of extra work. That aside everything else is fine. Just a little cabin fever. I don't get out much and I miss hanging out with my friends... of which none are local.

Did get my keyboard in (ordered it before the hurricane, doh) and I fired up the music apps and I'm making some great strides in learning how to arrange/ master... simple 8 bit stuff at least. Goes well with the flash things I posted a few weeks ago. It will all come together soon in a spec project I'm story boarding.

In the mean time have a butt! Perspective is super risky/ forced and I'm not too sure I pulled it off though!



Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

WHOA!!! dat ass tho...and that lool in her eyes....gawd....


Very good, very good