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Full version! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/P/Jn2016/Tsampikos_Mik_Comic_Page-014.png

Kind of writhing in pain right now. The immortal bottom left wisdom tooth has claimed another victim. First it imacted and burst through the neighboring molar and since then it has because kind of... flipped over to it's side burrowing into my jaw which in of itself was a source of pain and requiring surgery to remove parts of gum/bone along with the tooth but now, because of it's position, it has been misaligning my bite putting all of the pressure when I bite/ grind my teeth in my sleep on the molar above it.... which I chipped a good 1/3 of the tooth in my sleep.

So I inked and colored this in lieu of sleeping.

I know the solution - gotta do the surgery. But you know... it's surgery and I hate everything about the idea of what has to be done to solve the issue.




Ouch x.o I just had my wisdom teeth out 2 months ago, I know a bit of the pain you are feeling :c


All the best getting through that nastiness


Omg I'm soooo sorry to hear that man... good on you for muscling through it but jeez man GET THAT TAKEN CARE OF!! All the best and great work!!