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When growing up what struck me about the caged scene was when Brisby got cut

It was the first time ever seeing this movie and I stumbled across it while flipping through channels (remember tv?) and I cant remember seeing blood in a cartoon and it just hit.... different so I stuck around until the end and tried to track down a copy of the movie later on so I can see it from the beginning

Secret of Nimh just felt decidedly darker and more interesting than a lot of the cartoons I watched up until that point so I found myself wanting more like it...

Nowadays the thing that sticks out from the caged scene is just now naked Brisby looks without the cape on lol



Stoker Bramwell

It is amazing how much difference a cape can make


I LOVE the Secret of NIMH as a kid and still love it. The cage scene was a powerful one as it really brought home the fact that she and all the characters were mortal and could die. Of course long before the end scene. Johnathan being gone from the start just did not have any impact on me back then as it did when I was older, but her getting hurt like that sure did. My other most favorite part of the movie is when she met the great owl.

Simon Tesla

Love your take on Mrs. Brisby <3


Funny enough, i share your exact experience. First time blood, cut, and especially 'down river' on the arm, just really squicked me out. I loved the movie though. Your take on her is always great.


I definitely can relate with you on the cage scene, lol. Just her taking off the cape somehow amplifies her cuteness by like a hundred! All joking aside, The Secret of NIMH is still one of my all time favorite movies ever!


Yup, I remember that scene and several others quite well. Love that movie. Super cute Brisby in this pic!


Honestly though, aside from her lovely hips, it looks like Mrs. B here could slip out of that cage.