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Currently encoding the recording of the inks/ colors of this. It was drawn a while ago but I figured I should post something. I also have some of the Judy Hopps recordings which I will be encoding and uploading soon. I'll post them all at the same time. Again no audio/ production values. Gonna tackle that when I have the time.

Large version: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/P/may16/MIK_Last_Minute2.png

I will be messaging everyone who has contributed in May/ June the new page if I don't make it on time for this month because yeah - I'm running a behind.

TLDR was gone for half the month and super tired/ busy the other half.

*directors cut*

I was gathering my files to put my 2016 book together (general adult furry Folio no. 6) when I find out that in my near 2-month-absence from home it seems like one of my old archive IDE drives died. The last IDE drives I kept in rotation. The files are safe - most of the PSDs from the last several years are in fact. No... the problem is that I lost all of my old work. I already lost all of my old PSDs once due to Power/HD failure but what I lost this time are, well, every psd. The history of my art from when I started drawing to... 2010 basically. Nothing important but it held a lot of sentimental value. I never thought it important enough to back up redundantly like I do everything else now but now I find myself missing it. Missing the old text files with tons and tons of random notes/ ideas. Missing screenshots from when I used to play online games in highschool with friends, funny battlenet screengrabs and MMO achievement videos and funny/ memorable vent/TS recordings. It's wierd... I haven't felt this sad version of nostolgia since I graduated highschool and it had me busy for a good few days (I finally got back on the 15th, which is when I found out the drive died). I did what I could but it's fact of life. The drive was roughly 8 years old so this was about as long as I could have expected it to go.

That aside I've been dealing with an identity/ theft issue. Won't go full on in the details about what it is or how but luckily my bank had my back on this and the investigation is ongoing. I know who could have done it I just don't have any proof. It didn't have any real negative impact on me, the bank protected me from suffering the consequences, it's just the infraction on my privacy is.... bothersome and was annoying to have to deal with. I also noticed a few things missing too that I didn't notice before. Again, no details, I'm just going to an inventory on everything this person may or may not have done to remind myself that the benefit of the doubt I often give is something that has to be earned.

There has also been a ton of sleeping involved. Spending almost two months away from home can do that to a person. I am indeed home though and things are falling back into place.




Hope you are doing well despite everything. Hope it looks up from here. Beautiful art as always