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Large: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/P/fPeb/JDH.png

So here I am on youtube and I see these thumbnails of this adorable rabbit thing.

(reference: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/P/fPeb/Judy_Hopps_Animal_Instincts.jpg )

Before I ruin it by looking into what it is I look for stills as a reference and I drew this thing.

If people want I will draw more of it. Probably not explicit stuff but nudes are fine because I love the cute stuff but I don't have the heart to do anything worse than that.

Prior to drawing this though I just... well... had a bad time.

It started as 3 days of delirius fevers shaking and sweating in bed but that went away.

What remained was almost 2 weeks of um... stomach bullshit

Several days of it was with absolutely no appetite. Crackers and soda is all I could handle.

Ended up staying at my dad's place in case of an emergency.

Fine now. Just... frustrated.

Saw Deadpool and started playing Digimon Cyber Sleuth on my Liam so things I'm in a better mood.




<a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/P/fPeb/JDH2.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/P/fPeb/JDH2.png</a> Non Filter Version. I did record the inking and the bulk of the colors and will upload later.


cute work Tsam keep up the good work man ;)


Hope you feel better soon, amazing art as always!


Oh my goodness she's so cute! Please do draw more of it!


Sorry to hear about your health troubles man :(. Hopefully it stays away.