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Larger Link https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/NPovember/Sketches.jpg

I was just doodling around and I liked how the first one was coming out so I cleaned it up a bit and threw in some colors. Then I started to feel bad because I thought the character itself was adorable but the image too lewd. The second one is very much inspired by the Sanctuary Guardian from Dark Souls. Not that I go around imagining Dark Souls bosses as busty monster folk or anything.

=Feel free to skip the next part as it's a personal update=

This was a busy month. Health issues aside two highlights are...

Took in two strays. One was a cousin who just came in from Puerto Rico to escape the hellhole that is. He originally stayed with the surviving wife of an uncle of mine... until he started sleeping with her daughter. His cousin.


Justifiably so her mother wasn't happy about that so I let him crash on my couch only to find out the details later but I'll leave it at that. Interesting discussions about moral relativism and consenting adults (19+) ensued and the conclusion I came to is that anything I can say they've already discussed amongst themselves and my options are to turn my back on him like everyone else has or help him out until he gets back on his feet.

The second stray was this living skeleton of a siamese kitten we've been leaving food out for until we finally took her in. She returned to fighting form pretty quickly and man is she adorable. I've never had a cat before and I don't really know what to do from here besides trying to find who the possible owner may be (which I assume has to be the case since I've never seen a siamese as a stray) but w/e she is doing better now than she was and that's all I cared about.

That aside I did host Thanksgiving this year though it was in shifts starting at 2PM and ending at 12am. My dad finally got a chance to see the new place so I was just glad I was finally able to drag him away from his computer.




It's pretty good of you to be helping your cousin in spite of everything. Hope things work out alright there. You should post a picture of the kitten here or on tumblr or something :)