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It was more of a test of time/style/quality really. Seems doable but I'm not totally satisfied. Been kind of distracted though... in the last few weeks I've been pretty sickly. Again it's one of those cases when it's so ridiculous even I wouldn't believe it so I haven't been talking about it. I'm better now but it's still profoundly frustrating. Remember I'm kind of an oddball and my ability to address the public apparently hinges on how well I feel and I haven't spoken to friends or logged into FA or streamed and etc for months and it's getting kind of lonely.

For now I do leave you with this though. Gotta catch up on other work right now but I hope to finish these and a little more before the month is through.

I might start an ask comic for me and my characters though (original idea do not steal). Settings, characters/ personalities/quirks, backstories (so much as it is, they're pretty normal!) for anything Mik related has all been written out so it could be fun!




really nice work man. keep it up.


This looks really intriguing. The outfit still has me wondering what the exact genre of this setting will be, though the visor seems to lean it towards sci-fi. And an ask comic would be wonderful! It helps a ton with worldbuilding as well as introducing new characters and fleshing out their personalities. I'm also still eagerly anticipating the tentacle folio. <3


Stop being this "oddball" you butt and talk with us more often lol.jk do what you gotta do for yourself <3 I really can't wait to see more comic pages, they looks so smooth and detailed. Hnnngg that eye.