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Don't ask what is going on. I just wanted to practice drawing her today to get my mind off of things k?

Linku: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10397461/Paug/MissyPS3.png

Okay so this tooth thing is killing me so that's coming first for sure. God damn wisdom teeth haunting me from their grave. Remember kids... get rid of them as soon as you can. Not having issues yet is no guarantee they won't randomly start causing them in the future.

Also I'm moving into a new place soon! Gonna be renting it for now though if pull some crazy hours in the next few months I'll be able to save enough to put money down on it and buy it. Maybe. I still want to move out of town/state but this place is definitely nicer than where I am now which has me excited!

Most likely a temporary place though. If I actually tried to pull the extra hours it would take to make a down payment the way I want to I'd probably die.



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