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I just don't know what to start with! At least.. not right now. Not a long form project anyway.

I have several viable ideas... from porny stuff, to anything that gives life to my near limitless supply of characters, to a specific passion project to start with. Ideally I'd want to be able to work on two side by side but before we get to that I'd like to start with something small first. My ideal situation would be running two stories side by side at 3 pages a month each (6 total) but that doesn't mean I can't start doing SOMETHING now.

So here is an idea I've been toying around with and I'm putting it out t here just to test the waters. It's on the porny short story side... maybe 12-24 pages but it should be fun to work on and possibly crowdsource ideas with. I could have started a bit earlier but during my second road trip in 3 months, this one lasting almost three weeks this time, I was pretty exhausted.... heh.

Anywho the idea involves a set of twins, two white corgi characters who have yet to see the light of day, doing things twins ought not to do but look super cute doing. I have kicked the idea around for a while and have one of a few stories I can start with. I imagine them as on the adorbs/ charming side with a few fun gimmicks, on of being that they're prone to dyeing/ painting each other's fur in similar colors and patterns to each other ... usually leaning on the softer pastel colors. As for the story proper there are a few outlines though nothing explicitly written yet. Simple stuff really and I have fielded a few people with my ideas and they've all told me to go for it so I just might.



The corgi twins sound really cute. That idea has my full support. And not to sound like a broken record, but any news on when we might be able to purchase the tentacle folio?


I'm fielding my options right now on a storefront which is why I haven't announced anything yet. I also wanted to add a few bonus images too but it couldn't hurt to dole them out by hand since it is a proper 12 pages to start with. PM me here and we can swap the details.


Sounds fun, I like twins (or siblings in general) being naughty! Corgis sound really cute too.