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I sketched this while doing an all-nighter art jam at Fluffkevlars place.

I like it uwu

I guess this is a good a time as any to address the suspension thing.

Not much to say. I know I didn't get much communicated to me. Never got a hard confirmation as to why I was suspended but they did apologize for delays so there is that I guess :/

Me being the anxious fuck I am it destroyed a lot of my motivation in the last week and although I fought to push through it fact of the matter is that I didn't get a whole lot of art done yet. Keep in mind though that when I say motivation it's not like I was sitting around mopey and being lazy. I was actually super stressed and low key freaking out and just generally being a miserable lonely pile. Better now... though I still think my nerves are too shot to go to Anthrocon. Sorry.



General Degeneracy

Glad to have you back man, if you need time to unwind after all that stress I’d imagine everyone here would support you 👍🏼


Frankly I'm more inclined to blame Patreon staff for putting you in that state. Doubt I'd be feeling motivated either had I been in your position. For what it's worth, I filed a ticket of my own expressing frustration at their delays in resolving what should have been a simple situation.


Hey! Your shit's showing up again! Finally!


The sketch is really good. Love Mik! The suspension situation was a bad deal. I'm glad you're back. I hope you feel better soon.

Varryance Preez

Welcome back man! Mik is Bae as always! Great stuff!