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Files for this month https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g1mcyy7k0cum82n/AACE5T8bB8CZWU4B4ujYOHN9a?dl=0

Gonna be changing up my art schedule so that I don't get burned out like I did this month. I don't feel like I'm at my best right now and I need to blow off more steam than usual due to certain circumstances.

Gonna focus more time per image which will produce better images.

It will have a net effect of being less images a month but it's gonna be better art with much more time and care put into it so I doubt anyone will complain. Quality over quantity basically.

I also need to be more reasonable with my time. What I was doing for the last few months was incredibly unhealthy.

I wanna do better art and I wanna do it in a way that is fun to work on that can produce work I can look back and be proud of.

Like this drawing for example... it was fun and I'm proud of it!

Sorry if it disappoints anyone but sometimes I gotta draw stuff explicitly for me and hopefully other people can enjoy what I come up with.




Ok la la


Oh mai =3


1. Quality over Quantity is fine by me. 2. Doing what is best for you and your health is best! Health > Art 3. Human Mik is hot! When do we get to see regular Mik and human Mik making out? :D


This is exactly what I was talking about ^^ more then willing wait for art if its great quality.


Holy crap you drawwed a hoomin, the end is nigh???? :O

Nick R. Kupila

Oh...oh my. There is not enough words to articulate my thoughts. That booty though...perfection.


I am all for human Mik and I'd love to see more, and im all for quality over quantity, but im confused why she went from brown fur, light brown hair, to dark skin black hair. It doesnt seem to fit imo.


You'd be wrong. The human version predates the furry version by six years and the only thing that changed is that she has shorter hair now, has face paint instead of a scar, and is no longer wearing her signature yellow lipstick.


I don't think I've hit 1000 furry pics yet. Human pics surprassed 1000 before I even started furry art lol. I actually have a pretty heavily stylized look for human art. Here is a pic that was old when I posted it 8 years ago lol <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3485142/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3485142/</a>


You've said that Mik has such a nice ass from her tail making it constantly work.. but what about her human version?


Oh god in heaven &lt;3


swinging the axe <a href="https://i.imgur.com/kh76PjL.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/kh76PjL.jpg</a>


I am perfectly ok with you doing quality over quantity, as well as doing human art. ^-^


I love Mik with green nails.